Hey, I'm Kyle

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with a great user friendly experience. Links are not spam; it prevents spammers. Interested in hiring a
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Twitter Clone UI

Developed a twitter clone that allows the users to post images, comments, login and sign up. Utilized Next.js, MaterialUI, tailwindcss, and Firebase to allow the user to sign up and login as guest, login and sign up with google account, and create a twitter account that allows the user to post images, and make comments.

Social Profile

Developed a responsive Social profile page developed using React, HTML and CSS that would attract different users to interact with the different social profiles.


Developed a fullstack application that displays recipes for users to search. Implemented user authentication, add recipes to favorite, and customize dashboard and profile. Created a admin dashboard that monitors all activities when user creates recipes. Create an option where the user can share, like, and leave a review and comment for the recipes.

The Bike Shop

Used React.js to dynamically render the bicycle information and be able to filter the bicycles by rating, prices, bicycles, adding items to the cart and get real time prices. Expanded the user's experience by adding a slider with new items, a banner that shows a discount for different sale prices with a time of when it would expire. * Note: Not selling any bicycles

Tip Calculator

Utilized react to be able to create a tip calculator with the option to chose the percent amount and the number of people.

QR Code

Developed a responsive QR-Code using HTML and CSS which allows better user experience. Added a toggle button for the user to experience dark theme.

Get to Work

Pricing start at $45-90 an hour

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